The trees on your property bring a lot of value to it, they provide shade and a wind break, are the home of birds, and are beautiful and soothing to the eye. It’s important to keep your trees healthy and safe by giving them regular care and maintenance so they will last throughout the years.
Sometimes a tree simply reaches the end of its lifespan, after all nothing lives forever, even trees. Old age and rot can lead to a situation in which you need to engage the services of tree removal in Sydney in order to protect your family, home, and property from incurring damage as it falls apart.
No one wants to cut down a tree they have enjoyed for many years, but there are some situations when it’s really the only choice. Here are some telltale signs that a tree may be nearing the end:
The Tree Is Leaning – If a tree has begun to increasingly lean in one direction it is a sure sign that it is in danger of toppling over. While many trees have a slight natural lean, if you find the angle is growing more acute then the chances are that its roots have been damaged and can no longer properly support it.
If you are concerned about a leaning tree then look for the following signs:
- Soil that is super-saturated with water after heavy rainfall. If your feet sink into the ground when you walk on it, then it will most likely be incapable of fully supporting and stabilizing the tree.
- One side of the tree has soil that is heaving or cracking, signalling that the rootball has shifted its position causing the tree to be destabilized and possibly become uprooted.
- Roots that were formerly hidden under the ground have become exposed from erosion, which usually follows flooding, or from the ground subsiding, pulling the newly exposed roots up out of the ground.
- Trees with multiple large stems and heavy, long branches are also more likely to become unstable and fall over.
If you have a leaning tree and wonder if may become a hazard a hazard it’s best to order a professional inspection as soon as possible or run the risk of it falling onto your home, car, sidewalks, power lines, or even a person!
The Tree’s Roots Are Decaying – If your trees roots are showing obvious signs of rot and decay it means its structural support system has been damaged. Exposed tree roots can be inured by a lawn mower, construction, or animals, and that damage can have a big impact on its ability to gather water and nutrients. Heavy construction or extensive landscaping around your home or yard can harm a tree’s roots, which can cause the entire tree to sicken and die, thus becoming a hazard. The lack of water during periods of extended drought can also cause roots to decay, and if it can’t recover it will die.
We want to keep our trees as healthy as possible, but sometimes even our best efforts aren’t enough to stave off illnesses that will result in having to have it removed safely before it poses a danger.