Every stage of life has different things that are important. Subsequently, it comes down to how you approach those things at that specific stage of life. On that note, when you are in your 30s, you know that things are about to get serious. 

Your twenties were a blast – but now you are in your thirties. Between your twenties and thirties, you were making a transition in your job. Now that you are in your thirties, it means more responsibilities, including work and family. 

Now, you are dealing with work-life balance issues.


Why Are Your 30s Stressful?

The question is how to approach your thirties and live a healthy lifestyle. It is important to mention here that there is nothing more important than your health. Also, there is nothing more important than your life regarding who you choose as your life partner.

So, now you have a life partner, you have kids, and then you have work. Subsequently, how you approach these things are the most important decisions that you are going to make. The deal is that things will be stressful.

Why, you might ask? Well, the thing is that you are at a stage of your life where you have to start to take care of your kids, your work, and even your aging parents. Your aging parents might be going through a difficult time, and they might need your attention, too. 


Only Make Important Things Important 

Now, when you are in your 30s, you want to meditate. Whenever you feel stressed, and you will feel stressed more often than you have ever been in your life, you should try to calm yourself down and try meditating. 

It is important to remember here that you can have everything in life – but you cannot have everything you want. Read this again – and again – until you understand its full meaning. You will have to start to prioritize the items and only make the most important things the most important. 

But – beyond this point, also seek the advice of others. You will know people in your life who have already passed this phase that you are living right now. Since they have experienced the very things that you are experiencing right now – they are in the best position to offer you valuable advice.  


Take Care of Your Joints

Usually, you will experience joint pain in your 30s for the first time. Living a healthy lifestyle is key – but – usually, people take life for granted until their bones or joints start hurting. Many people believe that joint pain can only happen in the 50s – but the truth is that when you get to your 30s, a lot of wear and tear has already occurred in the joints, causing pains and aches.  

The good news is that you can opt for treatment and therapy options, such as softwave treatment, to reduce pain in the injured or sore area where the tissues are. This treatment is essentially non-invasive and will allow you to keep joint pains at bay. 

Also, to keep your joints healthy, you might want to move more and sit less. Make it a point to get up and walk for twenty minutes after every hour that you have spent sitting at a desk. 


Prioritize Sleep

As you get older, you often struggle with maintaining a healthy work-life balance. Simultaneously, one of the first things to be affected by this is your sleep pattern. Nonetheless, it is incredibly important to take your sleep seriously and establish the much-needed sleep hygiene.

What this means is that you must prioritize to get at least seven hours of sleep. To get better sleep, you might want to consider the following aspects:


Use Your Bed for Sleep And Intimacy Only

Your bed should only serve two purposes: sleep and intimacy. If you work from home, make sure that you don’t work from the comfort of your bed. If you do so, you will have a difficult time falling asleep as your brain won’t associate sleep with your bed. 


Have A Dedicated Night Time Routine

You should establish a dedicated nighttime routine that will tell your mind and body that you are preparing for sleep time. Avoid bright lights at least one hour before bedtime. Turn off your tech gadgets, and make sure to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day. 


Build A Comfortable Nest

To sleep like a baby, you must ensure that your bedroom is cozy and comfortable. Make sure that your mattress, pillows, and bedding are cozy. Set the bedroom at the right temperature. It shouldn’t be too hot or too cold. More importantly, block out any light and noise to enjoy comfortable sleep. 


Treat Food as Fuel 

If you want to stay fit in your 30s, you must improve your relationship with your food. You might have heard it before: you are what you eat. Now, as you are in your 30s, it is time to take things very seriously because you are what you eat.

Avoid fatty foods and unhealthy carbs. You should know that once you are in your 30s, your metabolism rate will fall, which can lead to stubborn belly fat. The best thing that you can do for yourself and your body is to live by the rule of never eating any food that you can take from the window of your car.

The best thing you can do is to establish a weekly meal plan and prepare healthy and nutritious foods from scratch at home. Consume more fruits, veggies, and healthy proteins. 


Prevent Health Problems

One of the main goals of your life in your 30s should be to prevent health problems. You should regularly visit your doctor and get screened for the following:

  • Stress
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Cholesterol
  • Blood Pressure
  • HIV
  • Diabetes (Type 1&2)

We also recommend delimiting your alcohol and tobacco consumption. It is absolutely possible to go cold turkey – but – if you find it hard to let go of regular cigarettes, you might want to transition to e-cigs first, as these have a lower tobacco ratio. However, the ultimate goal should be to quit smoking altogether and live an active lifestyle.