For us dog lovers, few experiences rival the joy of watching our furry companions revel in the outdoors. Whether it’s a romp through a grassy park or a hike along winding trails – their exhilaration of exploring new sights and smells is priceless.

Beyond exploration, a trip with your furry friend is also a bonding adventure, where you try something new with them. The outdoorsy creatures that they are, dogs will be happy to head out just about anywhere. 

To crank this adventure up a notch, how about taking them to the beach this summer? If you’re a Chicago resident, you’re in luck; we have just the right spot for you – Montrose Dog Beach. 

Ranked among the 10 best dog-friendly beaches in the entire country, this Windy City beach is a canine dream come true. Its all-day off-leash policy ensures that your pup makes the most of their beach trip.

Here’s a guide to everything you need to know before hitting Montrose Beach with your four-legged friend.

Preparing for The Trip

Before your pup hits the sandy shores of Montrose Dog Beach, a little preparation goes a long way to ensure a ‘tail-waggin’ good time.

First things first, get acquainted with the rules of the sandcastle kingdom. Montrose Dog Beach has a set of guidelines to keep everyone safe and happy; you can read them on its website before planning ahead. 

How Important Is Updating Your Dog’s Identification Before A Trip? 

Yes, it is. Your furry pal’s tag is their beach passport. Since it’s your pet’s first time on the beach, it’s only natural for them to feel excited and more inclined to explore it all. 

On an off-leash beach like Montrose, it’s even more likely for them to wander around when you look away even for a second.

For this reason, it’s essential to keep their tags, microchips, and other identifications updated at all times. Before planning the trip, double-check to avoid the adventure from turning into a nightmare.

Packing The Essentials 

Now, it’s time to pack your pooch’s beach bag. Here’s a checklist of the items you must bring to keep them safe, comfortable, and entertained on the beach: 

Water and Bowl:

Much like you, your four-legged friend also needs to stay hydrated on a sunny day filled with play. Pack enough fresh water to feed them frequently throughout the day. Bringing along a collapsible bowl is a great idea; they can drink from them whenever they need a break.

Leash and Collar:

Even on a dog-friendly beach like Montrose, you must have a leash handy in case you need to navigate crowded areas. A sturdy collar ensures they stay identifiable with their tags securely attached.

Waste Bags: 

Responsible pet ownership means picking up after your dog and disposing of waste properly in designated bins. Keep the beach clean for everyone by packing plenty of waste bags. 

First Aid Kit:

Accidents happen, even on the sand. Start by packing the medications that your pet generally needs – particularly their allergy medications. Also, bring song bandages, antiseptic wipes, and tweezers, in case they struggle with a splinter.

Toys and Treats:

Lastly, bring along your dog’s favorite toys to keep them entertained and mentally stimulated. Whether it’s a chew toy or a frisbee for a game of fetch, toys help burn off energy and maintain a positive beach experience. Treats can also be used for rewards and reinforcement of good behavior.

Can Dogs Get Sunburn? 

This might come as a surprise, but UV rays of the sun can expose your pet to sunburn and skin cancer, too. Dr Andrew Simspon – a veterinary specialist – explains how different dog breeds have different susceptibility to the sun. 

Breeds with shorter and lighter fur coats are more vulnerable to sun damage. Some examples include Dalmatians, Bull Terriers, Pit Bulls, and White Boxers. However, regardless of the breed, all dogs will benefit from wearing SPF, especially on a day out at the beach.

Getting to Montrose Dog Beach

By now, you must be done with all the preparations needed to be done in advance. Whether you’re rolling down the highway in your trusty car or hopping on public transport, prioritizing your pet’s comfort is key. 

Renting a Sprinter van adds an extra dimension of comfort and space for your furry companion. Eminent Limo notes that these spacious vans are perfect for road trips, which is just what your furry friend needs. Picture them lounging and gazing out the window as you cruise towards the beach.

If the idea appeals to you, you can look up pet-friendly Sprinter van rentals in Chicago to finalize your ride for the trip. 

As you arrive at Montrose Dog Beach, scout for the perfect parking spot that offers easy access to the sandy shores. Opt for spots that minimize stress for your pet, making the transition from vehicle to beach a breeze. 

Take a moment to navigate the area cautiously, following designated paths and signs to ensure a seamless start to your beach adventure.

At The Beach

Once you and your furry friend have arrived at Montrose Dog Beach, it’s time to dive into the sandy adventures awaiting you both.

Start off with a gradual introduction to the sand and water. Remember that it’s their first time here; some dogs might be gung-ho about digging in right away, while others may need a little coaxing. Let them explore the sea at their own pace while observing closely to make sure they’re comfortable and having a blast.

As a loving pet parent, you must also stick to beach etiquette. Respect fellow pet owners and their furry companions by keeping an eye on your dog’s behavior. If they’re off-leash, make sure they’re playing nicely and not causing a ruckus. Should any conflicts or tensions arise, handle them with grace and understanding – it’s all part of the beach life.

At last, it’s time to unleash the fun. Engage in safe games like fetch or hide-and-seek with beach-friendly toys. Encourage your pup to socialize with other dogs, making new friends, sharing tail wags all around. Explore the beach together, sniffing out hidden treasures and soaking in the sun-drenched scenery.

Are Dogs At Risk of Saltwater Poisoning?

Yes, they are. This is another threat that you need to be wary of on a beach day with your pooch – especially the first time. Your furry friend doesn’t know that the sea’s saltwater water is different from the one they’re used to drinking. If they end up drinking a large amount of seawater, they can also suffer from saltwater poisoning.

This involves dehydration, diarrhea, and vomiting. To prevent them from suffering, it’s a good idea to take a break every 10-15 minutes and feed them fresh water. 

Wasn’t That A Fun Day Out?

While we all enjoy the feeling of cozying up next to our furred companions at home, it’s always essential to take a refreshing break. Not just for your own sake but for the sake of your little friend. Dogs benefit greatly from outdoor adventures since they weren’t meant to live restricted within homes in the first place. 

If your first dog trip to the beach went well, share your experience with us in the comments below. We’ll be back with another suggestion for a canine-friendly adventure soon.